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The goals of the Committee are:

1) Ensuring the conditions for balancing the country's resettlement system, overcoming regional development disparities, and multi-center spatial development.

2) Preservation of national architectural traditions and the creation of favorable conditions for redevelopment.

3) Promoting sustainable development of settlements, ensuring the urban originality of historical and cultural environments and increasing their attractiveness.

4) Establishing the principle of "green urban development", ensuring the harmonious development of natural and cultural landscapes.

5) Improving the maintenance, operation and reliability of buildings, promoting their modernization (including energy saving and energy efficiency).

6) Ensuring seismic resistance of buildings, provision of their engineering protection from dangerous geological phenomena.

7) Ensuring the development and modernization of normative documents in the field of urban development.

8) Providing professional advice in the process of developing new architectural complexes, investment initiatives for the implementation of separate structures, their construction concepts, projects, if necessary.

9) Separation of objects of special regulation of urban development activities, regulation of urban development activities, provision of conditions for the development of construction in them.

10) Ensuring quality indicators for the implementation of construction works in accordance with modern requirements, provision of control services, acquisition of construction products, competitiveness.


The tasks of the Committee:

1) Improving the business environment in the field of urban development and encouraging the investment initiatives.

2) Scientific and technical development in the field of urban development and the promotion of new technologies.

3) Formulation of pricing principles for works carried out in the field of urban development at the expense of state and community budgets.

4) Coordination of the processes of preparation and coordination of complex construction programs implemented at the expense of the state budget.

5) Licensing of certain types of urban development activities in order to improve the quality of services in the field of urban development, protection of consumers' rights.

6) Formation of urban development information system, maintenance of urban development cadastre of the territory of the Republic of Armenia and summarization of cadastral data.

7) Collection and analysis of information on buildings and constructions

8) Regulation of buildings’ and constructions’ (including multi-apartment buildings) maintenance and safe operation issues, elaboration of proposals aimed at their modernization (including energy saving and increase of energy efficiency). 

9) Implementation of other tasks defined by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.